Trichocereus pachanoi… doesn’t that just roll off the tongue…. is it the name of a dinosaur; an Italian dish perhaps? To me, with my burgeoning passion for succulents, it is the San Pedro cactus, which grows like a candelabra tree and no spikes. Inspired either by the romance of those iconic giant cacti featured in the westerns I watched as a child, or more likely by the enthusiasm of Lyn Kimberley of Desert Plants of Avalon growing her weird and wacky cacti in the Emerald Isle I decided now was my opportunity and San Pedro was the one! My new found passion for succulents was taking off.
Ongoing development of garden
I thought Her Outdoors would be happy to see one of her friends, or what I thought was one of her friends. Since we moved here to Portugal we haven’t seen many of them. We have so many places for them to stay now that I thought they’d both be …
From Cottage Garden to Algarve Adventure
After visiting the Algarve in 2013, Sundance and I loved it so much, that after extensive research, we decided to buy a holiday home. We now treat it more as our main home, spending more and more time here. If you have visited Portugal you may have noticed that ornamental …
A Rock & A Hard Place
Until now I’ve associated succulent plants with the spindly, sad specimens my mother had on her window sill. They appeared lifeless lacking the excitment and colour of other plants. But when I inherited this garden in Portugal, I discovered, they didn’t need to be indoor plants with all the limitations of a …
Search for San Pedro
Palm Tree Pruning
We have a number of palm trees around the garden, but the one right in front of the house was unsightly, made a mess on the paths when it shed it’s fruit and was quite noisy in windy conditions. ‘Her Outdoors’ decided to call in the professionals as trimming palms …
Barton Village Day
Before moving to Portugal we lived in Barton, a quintessentially English village, 3 miles from Cambridge. Each year they have a village day, the main part of which is the Barton Gardeners Annual Show in a marquee on the village wreck. The villagers can exhibit their work from flowers to photographs, from vegetables to cakes. Competition is very keen for the several trophies presented for the best exhibits.
In 2013 I was recruited to shoot the evening entertainment which was provided by ABandandADJ.
The 21/2 Minute Home Office
One of the first projects I worked on when I moved down to Cambridge in 2009 to live with my new partner Angela, was a joint building/AV production. Hence the “21/2 Minute Home Office“. The main aim was to build myself a space that was my own. So, if ever I was in …